Join the James and the rest of the Knabe family on their journey Ministering throughout the USA and the World sharing love, hope, and encouragement through Jesus Christ. Your partnership in Prayer and Financial Support Makes Such A Difference!
Below are several ways that you can give/support Trumpet of Glory Ministries and the ministry work of the Knabe Family. We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Ministry and your giving is tax-deductible.
One-Time Gift or recurring support:
Online Giving Through PayPal:
Additional Online/Elerctronic Giving Options and how you can identify James/Trumpet of glory ministries to give:
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This is a Faith Ministry and your Prayer and Financial Support Makes All of the Difference!
"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." James 5:16b NLT

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The Knabe Family...Blessed to Serve and Share the Love of Jesus Christ
All material, videos, photos, audio & original content © 2021 Trumpet of Glory Ministries Inc. All Rights Reserved