2020 Faith Journey

Summer & FALL 2020 15 States USA


Major stops during the Summer/Fall of 2020:

Oklahoma (OKC), Iowa, Illinois (Chicago), Indiana, Michigan, Ohio (Cleveland), Pennsylvania (Central/Philadelphia), New York (NYC/Upstate), Massachusetts (Boston), Virginia, Washington D.C., North Carolina (Triad), South Carolina, Georgia, Arkansas (Little Rock)

Selection of ministry activity

Summer/Fall 2020:

Week of July 13 Mission/Serving Projects in Chicago Area

July 19 Ministry Event at Fox Valley Baptist Church in E. Dundee, IL

Week of August July 27 Mission/Serving Projects in Central PA/Philadephia

August 2 Ministry Event at Central PA Church TBA

Week of August August 3 Mission/Serving Projects in Central PA/Philadephia

August 9 Ministry Event at Highway Tabernacle Church in Philadelphia, PA

August 9 Philadelphia Police Department Mission/Prayer/Shofar Blessing

September 8 James Speak and Teach CBMC New York City

Mid Sept into October Multiple Prayer Walks and Evangelism through Boston and Cambridge, MA

September 27 Serve with LYNN Homeless Ministry in Brockton, MA

October 6 James Speak and Teach CBMC New York City/NJ


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