Sound the Shofar!

Sounding the Shofar at the conclusion of The Gathering 50 Hours of Worship/50 Years Christ for the Nations in Dallas, TX with Klaus, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Rick Pino and many more

The Shofar is the Ancient Trumpet of the Bible. It has a special place in God’s story of Redemption for His Creation.

Many people have shared that something special happens when the Shofar is sounded.  In the bible the book of Revelation 1:10 & 4:1 describes the Sound of the Trumpet/Shofar as the Voice of God

Sounding Shofar at the the Fellowship Network International Conference in Chicago, IL July 2022

The Shofar is sounded on many occasions through the year. One of the most significant times that the shofar is sounded is during Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah).

In this video below there is a brief explanation of Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah) by Nic Lesmeister the Director of Gateway Center for Israel and then James sounded the shofar at the Night of Worship at Gateway Conference (Gateway Church based in Southlake, TX)

Sounding the Shofar in NYC October 2021 during a Prayer Walk through central Manhattan, NY

The sounding of the Shofar represents God's Voice going forth in to the world.  The Sound of the Shofar changes the atmosphere as the Holy Spirit comes and ministers, heals, transforms, triumphs, and announces the return of the King.

These videos below gives a good introduction to James’ Shofar Teaching and Workshops…

James teaches and sounds the Shofar across the USA.

James can come to your church, fellowship, bible study, event, or conference and sound and teach on the shofar.

His background as a professional trumpet player and accomplished brass instrument teacher gives him unique insight as he sounds the shofar and teaches/coaches people on the shofar.

Sounding Shofar at the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute/Gateway Center for Israel Love Israel Event 9/2019

Sounding Shofar at the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute/Gateway Center for Israel Love Israel Event 9/2019

James’ Shofar upcoming Events 2024

Summer Mission (15+ States) May-September 2024


PENNSYLVANIA-Agape Christian Fellowship


2024 Past events:

January-May Shofar Workshops beginner+Advanced Gateway Church

January-May Sound Shofar @ Shabbat Service Gateway Church, Southlake, TX

3/10/24 Family Ministry (TOGM) at Whitney Fellowship

3/28/24 Maundy Thursday Service (Shofar) at Park Cities Presbyterian in Dallas, TX

The word Shofar/Trumpet appears more than one hundred times in the Holy Bible.  When you see the word trumpet or trumpets in the Bible it usually means Shofar.

The Sounds of the Shofar

TE'KI'AH - This is a long blast with one or two notes and represents Praise/Worship. It brings everyone to attention.

SH’VA'RIM - This has 3 medium blasts, two tones each & represents Repent /Brokenness. Some scholars speak of Shevarim as the tears of sadness or joy

TE'RU'AH - This has 9 or more short/rapid staccato blasts and represents Warfare & Victory. It is a wake-up call.

TE'KI'AH GE'DO'LAH- This is an extra long single blast.  It is the jubilee note extended as long as one can … and represents the great last trumpet sound when the Yeshua returns as King when we who are saved receive new bodies and we are all healed. Also used to call upon G-d. Giving thanks for his Mercy /Goodness/Redemption.

biblical examples of the shofar:

The ram's horn, the shofar, is a reminder of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac and G-d's provision of a ram as a substitute (Genesis 22:13)

Gather G-d's people at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 9:16-17)

The Law (Torah) was given to Israel with the sound of the shofar from heaven (Exodus 19:19)

Proclaim the start of the year on Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) (Leviticus 23:24)

Proclaim liberty-year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:9)

AnnounceS beginning of festivals (Numbers 10:10)

Israel won the battle of Jericho with the blast of the Shofar (Joshua 6:20)

Confused and scattered the enemy with the Shofar (Judges 7:15-22)

Rally the people for war (1 Samuel 13:3)

Declare victory in war (1 Samuel 13:3)

Halt fighting (2 Samuel 2:28)

Announce the Ark of the Lord (2 Samuel 6:15)

Seven Shofars were blown before the ark of G-d   (1 Chronicles 15:24)

They took an oath before the Lord…..with trumpets and rams’ horns (2 Chronicles 5:14)

Bring the song of the Lord (2 Chronicles 29:26-27)

Warn of judgement for sin (Isaiah 58:1; EzekiEl 33:3-4)

Shofar is Blown as a warning  (Ezekiel 33:3-6, Numbers 10:9, Isaiah 18:3)

Announce/Coronation of kings (1 Kings 1:34; 2 Kings 11:12,14)

Rejoice and give thanks (Numbers 10:10, Nehemiah 12:35)

Gather people to worship (Isaiah 7:13)

The blowing of the shofar is a signal for the call to repentance   (Isaiah 58:1, Hosea 8:1)

The blowing of the Shofar ushers in the day of the Lord  (Joel 2:1)

Overcome the enemy (Amos 2:2; Judges 7:19)

Herald the Lord's return (Zechariah 9:14-16)

The Shofar is a reminder that G-d is sovereign   (Psalm 47:5)
The Shofar was blown to celebrate the new moon each month  (Psalm 81:1-3)

The Shofar was used to accompany other musical instruments during temple ceremonies in Jerusalem & in praise and worship   (Psalm 98:6, 150:3-6)

The Shofar is sounded at the resurrection of the dead   (I Thessalonians 4:16)

The Shofar (trumpet) is the sound of Yaweh’s voice  (Revelation 1:10)

 John was taken up to Heaven in the Book of Revelation by the sound of the Shofar  (Revelation 4:1)

“Yeshua Here” is a great worship song. I am sounding the Shofar for the last 30 seconds of the song. Check out the entire EP Album on Apple Music, Spotify, or YouTube Music from Sukkat Shalom!

Past Shofar Events:

2023 shofar events:

february-May Shofar Workshops beginner+Advanced Gateway Church

february-May Sound Shofar @ Shabbat Service Gateway Church, Southlake, TX

7/3/23 Ministry to First Responders in Chambersburg, PA

7/5/23 Ministry (Music, Message, Shofar, Prayer) at Lighthouse AG Church in New Holland, PA

7/9/23 Ministry (Music, Message, Shofar, Prayer) at Harbor Light in Chambersburg, PA

7/11/23 Philadelphia Visit with Psalm 91/23 Ministry

7/16/23 Ministry (Music, Shofar) at Community Christian Fellowship in Carlisle, PA

7/19/23 Ministry (Music, Message, Shofar, Prayer) at Agape Christian Fellowship in Fayetteville, PA

January/February 2022:

1/7 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat Night of Worship (Southlake)

1/8 Shofar Workshops Gateway Church Southlake

Jan/Feb 2022 Ministry (DFW+Houston Area)

1/23 Prayer Events Sounding of Shofar+Blessing Conroe, TX

1/25 Bible Study Events Sounding of Shofar @ Church on the Lake, Willis, TX

1/30 Preach+Shofar @Church on the Lake-Ministry Event w/ Family

2/2 and 2/22 Shofar Workshops Ministry Events @Willis, TX

2/18 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat (Southlake)

March/April/May 2022:

3/4 + 4/1 + 5/6 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat (Southlake)

3/5 and 4/2 Shofar Workshops Gateway Church Southlake

Palm Sunday Sound Shofar @ White’s Chapel (Southlake TX)

Maundy Thursday Shofar @ Park Cities Pres Church (Dallas)

Holy Saturday-Banquet of Love (Operation Care) Dallas, TX

Summer Season 2022:

Ministry Events (USA Midwest)

7/12 Sounding Shofar at The Fellowship Network Conference Chicago, IL

September/October/december 2022:

9/1,2,3/2022 Sound Shofar/Teach at Relaunch Spiritual Warfare Conference Plano, TX

9/2/2022 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Church Shabbat Service

9/25 Sound Shofar at Gateway Conference Night Of Worship

10/1 Shofar Workshops Gateway Church

10/1 Sound Shofar Operation Care International Gala Dallas, TX

10/7/2022 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Church Shabbat Service

10/7 Sound Shofar-Sukkot Picnic (Gateway Church) Grapevine, TX

11/4/2022 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Church Shabbat Service

12/17/2022 Sound Shofar @OPeration CARE One Day for Homeless

James’ Shofar Events 2021

2021 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat Services (Dallas/Southlake): Feb/MarcH/April/May/JUNE/Sept/OCT/NOV/DEC

3/21/21 Message/Teaching @Whitney Fellowship Whitney, TX

3/28/21 Palm Sunday Sound Shofar @ White’s Chapel Southlake TX

Maundy Thursday Sound Shofar @ Park Cities Presbyterian Church (Dallas)

2021 Summer MISSION USA (Iowa/Illinois/Indiana)

Additional summer Ministry Events in IA, IL

8/8/2021 Ministry Event @ Fox Valley Baptist Church (Chicago)

8/28/21 Shofar Workshop at Gateway Church (Global Ministry Building)-Southlake, TX

8/29/21 Ministry Event @ Whitney Fellowship (Whitney, TX)

9/10/21 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat (southlake)

9/23-25/21 Christ For the Nations (Dallas) 50/50 Worship Event-Sounding Shofar

10/1/21 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat (southlake)

10/2 Shofar Workshop @ Gateway Church Southlake

OCT 2021 FALL MISSION East Coast USA (Philadelphia, NYC, Boston)

11/5/21 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat (Southlake)

12/3/21 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat (DALLAS)

Christmas Season shofar sounding TBA


1/3/20 SOund Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat Services

1/4/20 Sound Shofar/Teach on Shofar @ Gateway Jewish Prayer

2/7/20 SOund Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat Services

2/19/20 Shofar Recording Session-Sukkat Shalom Worship Album

2/22/20 Teach Shofar @ Havdalah Gateway NRH

3/6/20 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat Services

3/14/20 Teach Shofar Workshop @ Gateway Church (Southlake) (postponed due to covid-19)

3/14/20 James+Family Interview “Keeping the Faith” Radio Show

3/27 and 3/28/20 Teach/Sound Shofar @ Sound the Alarm Prophetic Conference (postponed due to covid-19)

4/3/20 Sound Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat Services

4/5 Sound Shofar @ White’s Chapel (Southlake, TX) for Palm Sunday Services

Maundy Thursday Sounding Shofar at Park Cities Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX

5/1/20 SOund Shofar @ Gateway Shabbat Services

5/31/20 Knabe Family/Trumpet of Glory Ministry Event with shofar @ Fox Valley Baptist Church, Chicago Area

Multiple Summer Shofar Events and Activities (Including churches, conferences, events, and media appearances)

12/19/20 Sound Shofar for One Day 2020 Operation Care International Crusade-Global Birthday Party for jesus



3/19/19 Sounding Shofar Private Wedding Ceremony @ Gleneagle Country Club, Plano, TX

4/14/19 Sounding Shofar at Palm Sunday Services @ White’s Chapel UMC, Southlake, TX

4/18/19 Shofar @ Maundy Thursday Service @ Park Cities Presbyterian Church Dallas, TX

6/2/19 Ministry Event @ Central Avenue Baptist Church, Trion, GA

6/2/19 Ministry Event @ First Baptist Church, Summerville, GA

6/6/2019 Psalm 91 Ministry (First Responders) Colonial Beach, VA

6/16/19 Ministry Event @ Highway Tabernacle Church, Philadelphia, PA

June 2019 Psalm 91 Heroes Ministry to First Responders of Philadelphia

July 2019 Psalm 91 Heroes Ministry to First Responders of Boston

July/August 2019 Shofar Ministry over Individuals, Groups, and Cities in New England

August 2019 Psalm 91 Heroes Ministry to First Responders of Chicago

8/25/19 Ministry Event @ Fox Valley Baptist Church, E. Dundee, IL

9/6/19 Sounding Shofar-First Shabbat Services @ Gateway Church, Southlake, TX

9/10/19 Shofar for “Love Israel” (MJBI Event) @ Gateway Church, Dallas, TX

10/2/19 Sound Shofar for Operation Care Intl Event @ Museum of Biblical Art, Dallas, TX

10/12/19 Shofar Class and Workshop, Gateway Church North Fort Worth, TX

10/4, 11/1, 12/6 Sounding Shofar for First Shabbat Services @ Gateway Church, Southlake, TX

12/21/19 Sounding Shofar for Operation Care Christmas for homeless and at-risk @ Dallas Convention Center



2018 Maundy Thursday Service Sounding Shofar@ Park Cities Presbyterian Church Dallas, TX

Fall of 2018 Teaching Shofar Blowing Workshop @ Gateway Church Southlake, TX

Presenter & Shofar Sounder at Regather Conference Dallas 2019

Shofar/Worship Team at Gateway Church, Southlake Texas for monthly First Shabbat services:

Passover 2017+2018+2019 ✦ Rosh Hashanah 2017+2018 ✦ Hanukah 2017✦2018 ✦ Purim 2018+2019 ✦ Sukkot 2017+2018

Summer 2017 & Summer 2019 Sounding Shofar over Police Departments in Philadelphia


All material, videos, photos, audio & original content © 2024 James Knabe and Trumpet of Glory Ministries Inc. All Rights Reserved